Brighton & Hove City Council
Housing Management Panel: Central Area
2.00pm13 December 2022
Councillors: Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair)
Representatives: Jason Williams (Hereford Court Residents Association), Carl Boardman (Warwick Mount Residents Association), Theresa Mackey (Highcroft Lodge Residents Association) and Barney Miller (Sylvan Hall Residents Association)
Officers: Martin Reid (Assistant Director Housing Management), Sam Warren (Community Engagement Manager), Simon Bannister (Community Engagement Officer), Geof Gage (Head of Housing Investment & Asset Management), Justine Harris (Head of Tenancy Services), Hannah Barker (Community Engagement Officer), Grant Ritchie (Head of Housing Repairs & Maintenance), Kenna Kendall (Housing Manager), Natalie Beckwith (Community Engagement Administrator), Francis Mitchell (Democratic Services Support Officer) and Emma Thomson (Democratic Services Officer)
Guests: Norman Williams (Essex Place) |
1.1 Cllr Rainey and Janet Dowdall (Tenancy Services Operations Manager) sent apologies.
2.1 Carl Boardman stated that the issues raised regarding the accessibility and security of the rear access laundry room door were in relation to Essex Place, not Warwick Mount.
2.2 The minutes from the meeting held on 11 October 2022 were agreed as a correct
record subject to the above amendment.
3.1 In relation to action CA2, Justine Harris advised that she awaited further response from the software provider and would provide an update at the next Area Panel.
3.2 Norman Williams requested that a manual closure mechanism was fitted to allow automated doors to close immediately if required for security, which Geof Gage advised he would explore further.
3.3 With regards to action CA5, Norman Williams advised repairs had been raised for both the bin room lock and the fire door in Essex Place and had not been resolved, therefore, Grant Ritchie advised he would send someone out to look at both issues.
3.4 In follow up to action CA7, Theresa Mackey requested that the internal block inspection report for Highcroft Lodge was shared, which Geof Gage advised could be done once the surveys had been completed and finalised.
3.5 In relation to action CA8, Norman Williams raised that the padlock for the bin chute room was missing and that the room was not being cleaned, which Justine Harris advised she would look into.
3.6 RESOLVED: The Actions from the meeting held on 11 October 2022 were agreed as
completed subject to the above comments.
4.1 The Assistant Director Housing Management, Martin Reid, introduced the presentation on the Housing Revenue Account 2023/24 Budget Setting.
4.2 Theresa Mackey was advised that most of the Council’s rent was social rent, which was below Local Housing Allowance levels, therefore, it wasn’t anticipated that the rent rise would have a negative impact on residents receiving housing benefits.
4.3 Barney Miller was informed that a precise breakdown of what the rent increase would look like would be published in the budget papers.
4.4 Theresa Mackey advised that she had received a letter from the Fire and Rescue Service stating that she was responsible for undertaking inspections and checks of her building. Grant Ritchie stated that he believed it had been sent to Theresa in error and requested that she forwarded a copy of the letter so he could clarify.
4.5 Barney Miller advised that at Homestead, when roof tiles were being repaired, more were broken, and a scaffolding plank was left. Geof Gage advised he would investigate this further.
Rationalising the repair system
5.1 Barney Miller was advised that when repetitive repairs were requested for an issue, this would be recognised, and further works would be organised. Grant Ritchie also advised that a diary system was used to allocate time for operatives for complete jobs and if the task required additional time, then it would be booked as another job.
Anti-Social Behaviour
5.2 Barney Miller was advised that one of the recommendations of the Anti-Social Behaviour Review was that enforcement action information was publicised.
5.3 Norman Williams raised that regular anti-social behaviour by a group of teenagers in Essex Place had been reported to police and the Council and no action had been taken and the laundry room door had not been fixed. Grant Ritchie advised someone could go out to look at the laundry room doors.
5.4 Martin Reid reassured residents that their health and safety was taken seriously, and that the Council was working closely with the police to tackle anti-social behaviour in Essex Place. Martin advised he would speak with his team to further consolidate a plan to remedy escalating anti-social behaviour in Essex Place.
Poor state of windows at Highcroft Lodge
6.1 Barney Miller was informed that Sylvan Hall was included in next year’s programme for Planned Worksand that in the interim, any individual window issues should be raised as a repair.
7.1 There was no discussion.
8.1 Theresa Mackey requested more information on the criteria for the ‘Dwellings meeting Decent Homes standard’, which Geof Gage confirmed he would email over.
8.2 Barney Miller was advised that the Council wanted a Tourist Accommodation Registration Scheme as the main reservation was that short term holiday lets took too many family homes out of circulation as permanent accommodation.
9.1 Carl Boardman highlighted that similar issues were consistently being raised by residents throughout the city and questioned if this was partly due to the symptoms being treated but the causes not being addressed.
9.2 Barney Miller raised that there was a lot of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing taking place in Sylvan Hall, which Kenna Kendall requested he follow up on with her.
The meeting concluded at 4.15pm